"The Art of Resilience" (Live Meditation)
1h 29m
Guided by MARIANE KAROU, Creator of Dance Alive
Music by Splendor of Meditation: The Healing Sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls with Rain and Waterfall
INNER RHYTHMS is a guided meditation that heals, rebalances and rejuvenates you. By moving DEEP into CONTACT with your whole system, you deepen your TRUST in your Self. Our bodies inherently know how to heal, move, regenerate and bring us into greater balance. I provide a space to train your body and mind to not interfere or override your innate intelligence. Your body is always inviting you in and your loving attention is all that is needed.
DANCE ALIVE is a dynamic life movement system that increases your ability to MOVE in any given situation with mental agility, physical vitality, emotional intelligence, & integrity.
MARIANE KAROU is a formative leader, master teacher, innovator and pioneer in the field of movement, somatic education, and life training.